Tips Assassin Creed 3 : Eight secrets you may have missed

Finished the story? Done the side quests? You still haven't seen it all

Angry Birds Cheats

Do You Know This Secret ?


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After a long time I did not write this blog post because there is a certain rush, and now I write to you about the complete solution tomb raider. Check this out !

Search the indicated locations to find all seven optional tombs. Solve the puzzle in each tomb using the indicated solution to get a reward for each tomb completed. Complete all seven optional tombs to get the "Intellectually Superior" achievement.

Tomb Of The Unworthy
    Location: Travel to the Mountain Village once you have obtained the Climbing Axe, and return to the Tomb Of The Unworthy camp at the base of the waterfall (right before the Climbing Axe is required to progress further). Then, use the axe to enter the tomb.
    Solution: To solve the puzzle in the tomb, you must first light the torch. Use the pot to light it, or use your flint if you have acquired it. Then, burn the bodies on the mesh platform, and push off the extra weight nearby to allow the lift to raise up enough for Lara to climb to the top and reach the treasure chest.
    Reward: Mountain Village Relic Map
Halls Of Ascension Tomb
    Location: Travel to the Overlook camp in the Mountain Village, where Lara went to find the rescue plane's smoke signal, once you have the rope arrows and Firestarter flint. Use a rope arrow to reach the north ledge to follow the upper route. Use a second rope arrow to reach the tomb entrance.
    Solution: To solve this puzzle, first look around the room. There is an open window on the left, and a platform hanging by ropes in the center. Start by closing the shutters on the left with the crank, then turn the crank in the center to raise the platform. The shutters on the left will slowly open. Then, quickly run onto the platform once it has been raised, and wait for the second shutter to open. Once it opens, a strong gust of wind will blow the platform right and high. On the right, a flat wooden board will appear for Lara to jump to and hang on from the ledge. Move along the ledges to reach a long hallway with the treasure chest at the end.
    Reward: Mountain Village GPS Cache Map
Well Of Tears
    Location: Travel to the Helicopter Hill camp in Shantytown. You will need a rope arrow to pull open the tomb entrance and drop in. Travel through the town to reach a building painted with white murals and protected with boobytraps. Destroy the floor to drop into a cave below, which leads down a straight path to the tomb.
    Solution: Inside the tomb, there is a hanging platform above. Collect the yellow canisters one by one, and throw them onto the platform to lower it. Once it is on the ground, stand on the platform, and remove the canisters. Next, step off, and use the upper ledge to jump onto the raising platform, then quickly jump onto the left ledge to reach the area with the treasure chest.
    Reward: Shantytown Relic Map
Chamber Of Judgement
    Location: From the Windmill camp in Shantytown, travel to the eastern caves below the gondola station in the southern part of the town, and slide down the surface to reach the ledges across the gap. Follow the right passage after climbing up the ledge, and cross the wooden beam bridge to reach a narrow entrance to the tomb.
    Solution: Collect the yellow canisters around the tomb, and place them on the raised section of the seesaw to weigh it down. Jump to one, and use a rope arrow on the other. Use the raised seesaw to jump to the rock wall. Move along the rock wall using the climbing axe to reach a ladder. Climb the ladder to reach the area with the treasure chest.
    Reward: Shantytown GPS Cache Map
Stormguard Sanctum
    Location: Travel to the Hunting Lodge camp in the Summit Forest, and go north beyond the bridge. There is a lamppost next to the tomb entrance.
    Solution: Use two fire arrows to set off explosives and gas to solve this puzzle. Explode the gas with a fire arrow, cross it, then destroy the explosive crates on the ledge to clear the pathway. Then, climb up the rock wall to reach the treasure chest.
    Reward: Summit Forest Relic Map
Temple Of The Handmaidens
    Location: At Shipwreck Beach, travel to the zipline north of the Survivor's camp to reach a barricade blocking the way to a bunker. Use the Rope Ascender to break the barricade, and follow the path. Use rope arrows to continue into a cave leading to the tomb.
    Solution: Use the crank at the entrance to raise a platform and allow the buoy to move left. Climb the ledge left to follow the buoy as it releases a turning pole. Use it to jump the gap, then use a rope arrow on the white roped beam below. Wait for the buoy to move forward, and push the beam perpendicular with Lara. Once it lines up, jump to the bar to reach a rock wall using the Climbing Axe, allowing you to reach the area with the treasure chest.
    Reward: Shipwreck Beach GPS Cache Map
The Flooded Vault
    Location: At Shipwreck Beach, the tomb is located on your way to the Cliffside Bunker. You will need the Climbing Axe, Prying Axe, and some rope arrows. Climb to the top of the bunker, and go through the narrow passage to reach the tomb entrance.
    Solution: Press the button up the stairs, then press the button beside the door near the entrance to enter the tomb. Inside the tomb, there is electricity surging through the water and a floating platform. Light the anchor rope on fire to release the floating platform, then shoot the wooden barrier on the right with the shotgun. Shoot a rope arrow through the new opening in the barrier at the platform to pull it closer. Pull the platform to the steps, then use rope arrows to pull the beam at the far end of the room, raising the generator and stopping the electricity in the water. Pull the generator up, jump right to the platform, pull the generator again, and continue through the water. Finally, pull up the generator, then pull the platform underneath the generator to make the water safe to cross, allowing you to reach the area containing the treasure chest.
    Reward: Shipwreck Beach Relic Map

Cheat Most Wanted Black Edition

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Here it is Cheat for Most Wanted Black Edition :
You can enter those CHEATS at the "Press Enter" menu. 
The acuracy of these codes has not yet been confirmed, so test away. 

Note that not all of these will work in Career Mode. 

Code                Result
castrol           - Exclusive ford GT
burgerking        - Unlock bugerking challenge
regmebaby         - Gives you 20,000 in career mode to start 
opendoors         - Access to whole driving world 
ordermybaby       - Access to all cars 
gimmevisual1      - Unlocks Visual Upgrades Tier 1 
gimmevisual2      - Unlock Visual Upgrades Tier 2 
needperformance1  - Unlocks Performance Upgrades Tier 1 
needperformance2  - Unlocks Performance Upgrades Tier 2 
goforoldspice     - Unlocks Old Spice Vinyl 
needmybestbuy     - Unlocks Best Buy Vinyl 
gotmycingular     - Unlocks Cingular Sponsor Vinyl 
gottahavebk       - Unlocks Burger King Vinyl 
gottaedge         - Unlocks Edge Sponsor Vinyl 
davidchoeart      - Unknown 
shinestreetbright - Unknown 
wantmyd3          - Unknown 
wannacapone       - Unknown 
gimmechingy       - Unknown 
yodogg            - Unknown 
tunejapantuning   - Unknown
source : 

Tips Blades of Time Steam Achievements

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To complete the Steam Achievements you must complete this :

Angry - Kill 100 enemies during your Time Rewind Berserk buff.
Annihilation Kill - Kill 10 enemies at the same time.
Big Corpse - Defeat Giant Worm.
Brutal Kill - Kill 5 enemies at the same time.
Brutal Lands - Kill the Vicar of Chaos.
Clear the Jungle - Kill the Shaman Boss.
Collector - Find all the notes.
Coral Dash - Get the ability to dash to the corals.
Curious - Find half the notes.
Double Attack - Kill 25 heavy enemies using the Time Rewind double attack.
Dragon - Ayumi receives her Dragon form.
Enemy Dash - Get the ability to dash to enemies.
Experienced - Play 5 Outbreak matches.
Famous Hunter - Kill 1000 enemies in total.
Faster Than You! - Use Counterattack 100 times.
Free to go! - Kill the Gateguard.
Gather Chi - Get the ability to gather Chi.
Grasshopper - Use Dash 30 times without touching the ground.
Hard Times Are Over - Finish the game on the Hard difficulty level.
I'm Rich - Find all the chests in story mode on the Normal difficulty level.
Keeper Is Dead - Finish the game on any difficulty level.
Old Temple - Reach the Sanctuary.
Order Spell - Survive Chaos event.
Out of My Way - Kill an enemy player in an Outbreak match.
Outbreak Hero - Kill each Outbreak boss at least once.
Rain of Bullets - Shoot off Magic Armor from 50 enemies using Time Rewind clones.
Ready To Fight - Find all types of equipment.
Rifle - Find the rifle.
Sky Islands - Leave the Sky Islands.
Time Rewind - Get the ability to rewind time.
Too Hot For You - Kill Brutal Maul without being frozen by his shockwave.
Treasure Hunter - Find all the chests in story mode on the Hard difficulty level.
Unstoppable - Win any Outbreak match.
World of Order - Defeat Skyguard Commander.
Your Fire Is Nothing - Kill the Shaman Boss without taking damage from his massive fire spell.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Cheat Code

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Here it is The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim Cheat :


Console Commands

Hit "~" to bring up the command prompt and then type the code
Add an item to your inventory with 1-2 enchantments of your choice. Magnitude based on enchanting skill, 100=100%.playerenchantobject <object ID> <MGEF ID #1> <MGEF ID #2>
Add levels to your skillsAdvancePCSkill (skillname) #
Add perk (ie Light fingers is 00018E6A)player.addperk ########
Adds dragon's souls to your pool, allowing you to improve your shouts.Player.modav Dragonsouls #
Adjust field of view (insert fov value as x )fov x
Advances the targeted skill by xxx amountadvskill <skill> #
All Spellspsb
Change scale of player; 1 is normalplayer.setscale #
Changes ownership of target so you can safely take without stealingSetownership
Changes your genderSexChange
Complete all Quest Stagescaqs
Duplicate items (click container\NPC and copy the RefID)duplicateallitems
Fast travel to location, e.g. coc RivertownCOC <location>
Freeflying cameratfc
Give player item (i.e. gold is 0000000f, lockpicks are 0000000a)player.additem [ItemNumber] #
Gives the ID for the companion or NPChelp "NPC Name" 4
God modeTGM
Increase Burden by #player.modav burden #
Increase your LevelAdvancePCLevel
increases movement speed where X is a percentage multiplier (eg. player.setav speedmult 250)player.setav speedmult X
Kill enemy (Must select with arrow first)Kill
Kills all hostiles in your immediate vicinitykillall
list all commands in consolehelp
quits the game instantlyqqq
Removes all items of selected NPCremoveallitems
Removes selected object from your gamemarkfordelete
Reset NPC to original inventory.resetinventory
Restores targetted NPC's HP to Fullresethealth
Restores the player's HP to Fullplayer.resethealth
Resurrects targeted deadResurrect
savegame [name of file]saves game with "name of file"
Search by the keyword, the number is what mode to search by. Modes are listed by help every time you use keyword #
Set Carry Weightplayer.modav carryweight #
Set character's fame.setpcfame
Set character's infamy.setpcinfamy
Set healthplayer.setav Health #
Set it high if you want to fight, set it at 0 if you want to be free.player.setcrimegold X
Set Magickaplayer.setav Magicka #
Set Player Levelplayer.setlevel #
Set Staminaplayer.setav Stamina #
Sets skill to # level without leveling character.player.setav *skillname* #
Sets the NPC corresponding to the ID essentialsetessential <ID> 1
Sets the refractive value of the target. 0.0= normal, 0.000001= invisible,1.0 = full refractionSTR #
Show Race Menushowracemenu
Show/hide all map markers 1=show 0=hidetmm 1/0
Spawns an NPC at your location. (Replace X with NPC ID)player.placeatme X
starts all quests, *NOT RECOMMENDED!*saq
teleports you to quest targetmovetoqt
This brings you to the testing hall with all items in the game. Be careful as opening enchanted armor and weapons cabinets may cause your game to crashcoc qasmoke
This command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they're disabled. Occasionally the game will glitch, instead of reloading put in this cenableplayercontrols
Toggle AI Detection (You can steal all you want and no one will see you, doesn't work with pickpocketing)TDetect
Toggle Artificial Intelligence (freezes npc, they can't walk, move, or anything.)TAI
Toggle collisiontcl
Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (same as TAI; however only makes the NPC not being able to combat)TCAI
Toggle FOWtfow
Toggle GrassTG
Toggle menus (HUD)tm
Unlocks anything that may be locked by typing unlock then clicking the chest or door you want unlocked then press enterunlock
Will increase the level of a skill by one.Player.IncPCS [Skill Name]
You can lock chests and door, or people by targeting them and typing "lock" followed by the level of difficulty you wish to set it at.lock X
source :

The Sims 3 Cheat

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Here it is The Sims 3 Tips and Cheat :

Force Twins

Bring up the cheat console (See above cheats), click on a pregnant Sim to control it, then enter this
code in the console to have twins: forcetwins

Using the "testingcheatsenabled" Command

This testingcheatsenabled cheat allows you to do several useful things when used properly. First, hold CTRL+SHIFT+C (CTRL+SHIFT+WindowsKey+C for Vista) and enter this code: testingcheatsenabled true
Now, hold SHIFT and click your letterbox. This will provide you with these options:

  • Make All Happy
  • Force Visitor
  • Set Career
  • Set level
You may also hold SHIFT and click on Sims to get these options:
  • Add Sim to House
  • Modify Sim Traits
  • Force Aging
In Ground View mode, hold SHIFT and click a spot and your Sim will teleport to it.
You can also click and drag your Sims' need bars to full. SHIFT-click the mailbox and select Make Needs Static to keep the max level until you leave the game. (Note: if you SHIFT-click the mailbox and it says Make Needs Dynamic, select that. SHIFT-Click the mailbox again and it will say Make Needs Static) This must be repeated each time you re-enter the game. But you only have to do it once, as it will work for all of the Sims in the household.
Hold SHIFT and click a Sim's workspace to do the following:
  • Force Event
  • Force Events
  • Force Opportunity

Cheat List

During gameplay, press CTRL+SHIFT+C (CTRL+SHIFT+WindowsKey+C for Vista) to bring up the cheats console. Enter the codes below for the desired effect.
  • constrainFloorElevation [true/false] - Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures
  • enableLlamas - Enables llamas, obviously
  • jokePlease - Summon a joke
  • hideHeadlineEffects [on/off] - Hide all meters and effects
  • quit - Quit the game
  • help - Lists all available commands
  • slowMotionViz [x] - Slow motion, where [x] is 0-8 (0 is normal)
  • resetSim [x] - Resets the named Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home where [x] is first and last name
  • fps [on/off] - Toggles frames per second in upper right of HUD
  • fadeObjects [on/off] - Toggles object fade when camera zooms
  • testingcheatsenabled - Turns on Testing Cheats (See Below)
  • disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off] - Hold Alt to avoid object snap when toggled
  • kaching - While on the lot, this gives you $1,000
  • motherlode - While on the lot, this gives you $50,000
  • moveobjects on/off - Move anything (including Sims) in your Buy/Build mode
  • familyFunds [x][y] - Give money to a family, where [x] is the family's last name and [y] is the amount
  • fullscreen [on/off] - Toggles windowed mode
  • unlockOutfits [on/off] - Unlocks outfits in CAS (Create a Sim) mode. Note: Must be enabled before entering CAS

Mysterious Mr. Gnome

If on one of you sim travels you happen to find a Mysterious Mr. Gnome, DO NOT SELL HIM!!!!! Apart from being a very valuable item, he has some entertaining qualities. When you go to sleep at night he will move... not when you're watching of course but if you kick him and stand him up again he will change positions.

Guitarfreaks Glitch

If you want your Sim to master the guitar skill and learn all of the songs, Don't just play the guitar to reach level 10 because you want be able to learn new songs from books.
To learn the new songs just reach level 5 in the guitar skill, then put a level 5 book in your sims inventory and click on the guitar and select new song (to learn it).
When you reach level 6, do the same thing again for level 6 books. Keep repeating this process until you reach level 10 and your Sim will now know every song you've taught it.

Cooking Skill Exploit

Note: This glitch requires a TV with a cooking channel and a video game system. First, have one Sim sit down and watch TV. Switch the TV over to the cooking channel so that the Sim can start earning its skill point. Now, have a second Sim go over and start playing video games. You should now notice that although the TV is displaying video games, the first Sim still has the skill meter above its head! Simply allow this Sim to sit there until it decides to go do another activity on its own. After that, the skill meter should stay above its head until you start another cooking skill activity. As an added bonus, you can train two skill points at once! i.e., Go work out and both the athletic and cooking skills will continue to rise.
Addition: This also works with the Fishing Skill and the Gardening Skill provided you have a TV with those capabilities.

Painting Spore and More

When your Sim finally reaches the top level in painting, they begin to paint masterpieces. Look at the paintings for some nice suprises. One is an image of a Spore creature.

EA Games

When your Sims take a video game break, you can zoom in on the TV and identify various EA games on the tiny screen.

Tips Cheat Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life

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Super Seeds

In order to complete this cheat you will need tartan, and a seed maker. To get tartan befriend Tukura and wait for him to go into his house after he gets back from the town (where he delivers the dairy). Follow him to his house and walk in after him this will start a cutscene.
To get the seed maker, befriend Darrell and in chapter 2 he will give you a seed maker.  To get the seed maker you must go to his house!
Once you have these it takes patience but it is worth it. In the summer you need to get a happy lamp, found by the harvest sprite tree. In the fall you need to get a Gemsoil, and in the winter collect an Upseed. then in the spring plant 5 trees one of each kind, make sure you collect 5 of each flower. Then when your trees grow fruit take it into the seed maker. Wait two days then collect the seeds. Go to Tartan and mix the seeds with the flowers 1 at a time.
Ex. Banana with gemsoil then do banana with happy lamp then banana with upseed
Then you have created a superseed that will grow all year every year!

Easy Money from Cows

In the first year save up enough money to buy a star cow. Then fill up your chicken coop with 1 boy and 7 girls, then when the star cow is old enough get it pregnant with miracle potion. DO NOT BUY A BULL UNTIL YEAR 2
Then wait for the calf to be born. If you don't have enough money don't sell your first cow, because when your star cow gives milk it gets about 2,700 dollars a day with chicken eggs included. Don't spend your money and wait about two months you then have enough for a milking and food processing room. Don't use the food processing room on star cows, their milk is worth more than the butter and cheese.

Golden Wool

To acquire some Golden Wool (which sells for 500g apiece), brush each side of any given sheep three times. The wool will then fall to the ground. (unverified)

Golden Commodities

If you are having trouble getting golden wool, try the following: occasionally love your sheep; brush it every other day or so; wash it when it is dirty; before you shear it, wash it and love it.
If you are having trouble getting golden eggs, try the following: love your chickens everyday; get at least one male; take your chickens outside on sunny days; don't put them in the field because it will only result in them getting lost; keep your chickens fed.

Fast Horse

In Spring of the Beggining, order a female chicken from Takakura. During the Summer of the Beggining, Takakura will give you the horse. He will say, "I ordered it, not you," If you don't buy the female chicken in the Spring, you will not get the horse until Chapter 2.

Cow Taming

If you buy the milk room and put your cows in it for a few days they will go in there on there own!

Free Seed Maker

Befriend the scientist by giving him gifts, and he will give you the seed maker for free at the beginning of the second year.

Get Pets

  • Cat: Make friends with Romana, and during the fall season of the second chapter, wake up after your wife. Romana will give you a cat.
  • Duck: Purchase a pond from Takakura and, during the summer season of chapter two, wake up after your wife.
  • Goat: Van sells ducks when his shop is open during the spring season.

Duplicate Ruby Spice

Start cooking in your kitchen and choose any recipe type. Select only Ruby Spice and then press START--you'll have one more Ruby Spice. Repeat the trick to get up to 99 Ruby Spice, but don't create any more than 99. If you do you'll end up not being able to use all your bottles, and won't be able to continue living your Wonderful Life.

Marry Celia in One Season

Give Celia the Goddess Drop--located near Vesta's--every day, and then on the first day of summer her diary should have four hearts. Then, when you wake up on the first day of summer, Nik Nak and Flak wil give you a blue feather (if you order bird feed, the blue feather should be with the bird feed). Give the flower to Celia answer her "Yes," you are serious.

Haggle Prices with Van

You can negotiate with Van up to three times on anything worth over 100g (including milk, fish, etc.). For example, go to sell him 3 Yamume fish worth 500g each -- first he offers 1500g, and when refused, he offers 1800g, then refused again and he settles for his final offer of 2100g. This third offer doesn't happen often, but the second does, so just keep refusing his first offer price until he up's it.

Best Fishing Spot

Go to "Dig" site, and notice that the waterfall has a head-like figure on the right side. Aim your fishing rod at the head and let your line roll down the stream. Here you can catch Yamume 500g, Big Yamume 1000g, Huchep 90g, Big Huchep 170g, Nayamume 60g, and Big Nayamume 130g. Not a "Snelt" or "Columbo" in sight!
It takes over "one HM hour" to catch the Yamume, "one-and-a-half HM hours" to catch the Big Yamume, and about "one-half HM hour" to get the other fish I mentioned above. Don't pull the rod back until you catch something, because at this spot it'll be worth your while. The fish line will settle at the left side of the stream "wall" if you haven't caught anything while it's moving downstream. This is OK -- leave it there for at least a half HM hour. If it goes over a half HM hour and you haven't caught anything, then you know you're getting something big so keep waiting.

No Fertilizer S-Rank Tree Upgrade

Note: Must have Tartan for this trick to work.
Normally, you arean't supposed to be able to mix crops or flowers with trees to get a different result, but in this case you can.
  • Step 1: Take any crop in seed form and upgrade it to S rank with the UP-Seed. (You have to have Tartan to make hybrids.)
  • Step 2: Take the desired B-Rank tree you wish to make S-Rank and place it in the first slot of Tartan.
  • Step 3: Take the S-Rank crop and place it in the second slot.
  • Step 4: Make sure that the B-Rank tree is in the first slot, and the S-Rank crop is in the second slot in order for the trick to work.
  • Step 5: Use Tartan to get an S-Rank tree without wasting thousands on fertilizer.

Weather Control

If you are disatisfied with your weather go to your TV and keep turning it on and off on the weather channel until it gives you the weather you want.

Earn Easy Money

If you own a seed maker and any type of tree you can easily get thousands of dollars. When you shake the tree for the fruit don't sell the fruit. Instead, put it in your seed maker to get seeds from the fruit. When the seeds are made, sell them to Van for more profit.

Banana Gold

Buy a banana seed, plant the seed, and take care of it. Then, buy the seed harvester. The next summer, take your bananas and harvest the seeds. Plant a few fo the seeds, but sell the rest to Van--they sell for 750 a seed, and a tree will yield 30+ bananas.

Fishy Advice

Early in the game, the best way to make money is to fish. Buy the rod from Van and go up the river to where you see three rocks. You can make over a 1,000 in money a day. Also, if you cast and there are no bites for a very long time, don't give up and don't recast either! Wait it out and you'll be rewarded with a Yamame or Big Yamame, which go for 500 and 1,000 respectively.

Find Out Who Loves You

To find out how much the girl of your dreams wants you, look at her diary. You can find Celia's on her bed in the upstairs of her house. For Molly, you can look on the table with the flowers at the Blue Bar. For Nami, follow her to her room at the Inner Inn.

Love Tips

It's pretty easy to win over any of the girls. You just have to give Muffy almost any flower, or you can give her the Pretty Ore. Also, she only likes one fish--the Big Huechep. To Nami give her artifacts and in the fall give her trick blue flowers. Give Celia flowers and she will love you anyday.
Give your girl one of these things each day and she will be falling for you in no time. If you do have trouble getting Nami to fall for you, just propose to the other girls and she will get jealous, and end up liking you more.

Chase Away Rain and Hurricanes

When it's stormy outside and you want to stop the rain, visit a mine and do some digging. As you emerge from the mine the rain will stop.

Sleep Without Passing Time

Select the Diary and choose to sleep. Save the game when prompted to, and then reset your GameCube. Load the save file you just made and you'll begin before you went to sleep but will be fully rested.

Win Celia's Heart

Give Celia a flower every day, and buy seeds from her occassionally. Her diary tells you how she likes you--if it's red, she digs you. You can view her diary on her bed.

Quick Cash

If you are having trouble making money, gather up all of your fodder. Fodder sells for 10 gold a piece and one sell of 99 pieces will get you 990 gold.

Win All Horse Racing Bets

Before attending a horse race, save your game ahead of time. After the race ends, remember who won the race, then reset your GameCube and load the file you saved before the race happened. Once the game is loaded, return to the horse race and place your bets on the horse that originally won the race.

Source :

Tips Assassin's Creed 3 : Eight secrets you may have missed

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Finished the story? Done the side quests? You still haven't seen it all

If, like us, you've been hammering Assassin's Creed 3 for the last couple of weeks, you may have already finished the main story and be working your way through the numerous side quests and activities. However, you've probably still not seen everything the game has to offer - so we've picked out eight things you might have missed. Spoilers follow, naturally...



During the opening sequence of the game, set in London's magnificent Theatre Royal, you may not have paid too much attention to what was happening on stage. If you take your time while progressing through the area you can watch and listen to the performance unfolding, though you may have to proceed to the next checkpoint to move the dialogue along.
The musical being performed is The Beggar's Opera, which was a satirical take on the Italian operas that were in favour at the time. This opera proved popular as the typically complicated Italian songs were replaced by folk tunes the audience could easily recognise and hum along to.
It was also controversial as it's set in Newgate prison and all the main characters are criminals. Due to its use of the common tongue it was accused of being a "base form of entertainment", and that the behaviour of one of the main characters Macheath was leading to an increase in violence and crime by young men - which sounds a lot like the "videogames lead to violent behaviour" controversies that still rage on today.

Angry Birds Cheats

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To unlock additional levels, you should collect the golden eggs. Here is where you can find the golden eggs :

Cheat Naruto Shippuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen Special

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Now I will tell you about Naruto Shippuuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen Special
Actually this game for the WII, but you can play it on PC with a dolphin emulator, to get the software please search through google

And now, here's tips for Naruto Shippuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen Special:

Cities Xl 2012 Cheat Code

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First you have to go to CHEAT, set your money 500,000, and press ADD 10 TOKENS. Also press UNLOCK ALL BUILDINGS. Build a City Hall. After doing this, build a road. Put Utility Centers on either sides. Now, click on the XL button and go to the button with the ARROWS. (TRADE Icon) Put Electricity all the way up. (TRADE WITH OMNICORP ONLY) You will get lots of money. Now, press the button that looks like a GAME CARD. (SAVE Button) Press start over. The trading cashflow will go up 60,000 more than you traded with. ONLY do this when starting new cities.

Cities Xl 2012 "How to start your city"

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How to start your city with positive cash flow.

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned Cheats

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  • Cheat codes for All Ranges, (NEW CODES)

    Few codes based upon the new game, Some old codes work aswell.
    Give Armor362-555-0100
    Gives Health, Armor And Ammo482-555-0100
    Lower Wanted Level267-555-0100
    Raise Wanted Level267-555-0150
    Weapon Package #1486-555-0150
    Weapon Package #2486-555-0100

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony Cheats

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  • Cheat Codes

    Dial these codes into your cell phone in game to gain the effect, go to the cheat menu in your cell phone to use previously entered cheats whenever.
    Akuma (Bike)625-555-0200
    Change Weather468-555-0100
    Health & Armour362-555-0100
    Health, Armor and Advanced Weapons482-555-0100
    Raise Wanted Level267-555-0150
    Remove Wanted Level267-555-0100
    Sniper rifle bullets explode486-555-2526
    Spawn Annihilator359-555-0100
    Spawn Bullet GT227-555-9666
    Spawn Cognoscenti227-555-0142
    Spawn Comet227-555-0175
    Spawn Jetmax938-555-0100
    Spawn NRG-900625-555-0100
    Spawn Sanchez625-555-0150
    Spawn Super GT227-555-0168
    Spawn Turismo227-555-0147
    Spawns a FIB Buffalo227-555-0100
    Super Punch (exploding punches)276-555-2666
    Weapons (Advanced) (New Weapons)486-555-0100
    Weapons (Poor)486-555-0150

How To Defeat Blitz in Devil May Cry 4

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DMC 4 - Blitz tutorial.
There are some easy, chip tips about how to defeat Blitz at DMD difficulty on company playthrough with Nero and Dante.
I remember my youth, when i was terrified each time i met Blitz. It was absolute horror at DMD. So i hope this video helps people like i was.
P.S. To block Blitz lightning you need to press block button with frequency 345 bpm on Normal (not Turbo) mode. And, yes, Blitz take all your health with Lunging Grab move (suicidal explosion).

PES 2013 Knuckleball free-kick tutorial

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PES 2013 knuckle ball shot tutorial :
hold ' up ' press slightly the shooting button just before the player shoot , press the shooting button NOTE: This shot will be the most effective if it's taken by Cristiano Ronaldo. This is the best way to score from long distances(30+),but can also effective if taken from less than 30m.

PES 2013 Medium Free Kick Tutorial

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this trick work for 26-30 meters © 2012 | Designed by Meingames and Bubble shooter